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AG平台(TSX:IBG)是博卡拉顿艺术与创新中心的设计团队的领导者, 它将成为博卡拉顿专业文化机构的永久所在地.


October 14, 2020

-技术驱动的设计定义了一个多功能的表演艺术空间集合,000-seat facility –

POMPANO BEACH, FL (October 14, 2020年)AG平台(多伦多证券交易所代码:IBG)领导博卡拉顿艺术与创新中心的设计团队. 该项目旨在成为博卡拉顿专业文化机构的永久家园. 它将实现米兹纳公园的创始承诺,成为一个充满活力的创意家园, innovation, business, and community. 设计概念已提交给博卡拉顿市供其考虑, with an anticipated vote on the project in early November 2020. Upon project approval, fundraising and design work will commence immediately, with an anticipated project completion in 2025.

新艺术与创新中心的设计原则侧重于空间的多功能性, community engagement, and technology. The new, 灵活的综合体将包括6个不同的空间,座位从99到3不等,500, with a capacity of 6,000 when all spaces are used simultaneously. 该项目的一个核心设计方面是将现有的米兹纳公园圆形剧场整合到新的综合设施中. 目前的米兹纳公园露天剧场将被改造成一个3,500 seat, open-air, bowl-style setting, 并将配备一个悬臂式“窗帘”,可以升降,将舞台变成一个较小的黑盒子剧院. A new concert and performance hall will be added, as well as a multi-use roof-top terrace, 99-seat jewel box performance hall, and an open-air lobby placed above ground level. 该设施内的许多区域将可供社区使用, including outdoor public gathering spaces.

“我们设想了一个项目,利用技术和形状变化的建筑来创造未来的表演空间. 这将允许表演设施扩大和缩小, 并利用室内和室外场地创造无数的节目和观看体验,” said Ari Bose他是AG平台的项目负责人和设计负责人.

As a technology-driven design firm, AG平台为该项目带来了广泛的技术设计知识,并要求团队将技术作为建筑中每个空间的重要组成部分. The project will add a permanent, floating, overhead canopy that will protect audiences from the elements. Enhanced with kinetic, moving elements to guide wind, it will shield audiences from sun, rain, and wind, and create a breezy, cooling effect, facilitating usage for many more days each year. The 顶篷的下侧也被设计为夜间投影表面. Video projectors, LED screens, 其他的广播设备将在整个设施中使用, 并且能够同时在所有空间查看, as well as the exterior of the building for outdoor audiences.

“博卡拉顿市几乎为居民提供了所有令人满意的设施, businesses and tourists,博卡拉顿艺术区开发公司(BRADEC)董事会主席说, Andrea Virgin. “但是,我们的文化基础设施与这座城市的世界级特质不协调. 我们希望通过为所有人提供一个令人兴奋和标志性的聚会场所来解决社区中的这一差距.”

了解更多信息和/或与AG平台专业人员联系, please contact Julia Harper at or 647-330-4706.

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